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This Banner was made in USSR in 1970th. It was main ideological banner for big industrial enterprise in USSR. On the front it has portrait of Lenin and the writing in Russian language ''Under the guidance of the Communist party we are moving ahead to the victory of Communism'' Portait of Lenin is a combination of fabric application and hand embroidery. All letters are embroidered . On the back side it has emblem of USSR. It is also made as a combination of fabric application and hand embroidery (see detail). The emblem of USSR has writing in 15 languages of 15 Soviet Republics ''Proletariat of all Countries, unite''. All the letters are hand embroidered. Over the emplem trere is an embroidered writing ''Proletariat of all Countries, unite''. It is made out of two layers of heavy dark burgundy velvet. It has golden fringes from three sides. Size is 65x51'' (without fringes). Very rare piece.