In our collection we have a lot of Soviet and Russian collectible pins. We have a huge variety of Soviet USSR pins representing different Soviet Army, Red Army, WW2 memorabilia. Please, keep in mind that we have minimum shipment cost $8.95, and most combined shipments of up to $89 value will cost $8.95. To save money on shipment it will be better to order several items from different categories. So check all our categories and we are sure you will find lot of interesting things for you and gifts for your family and friends. You are welcome to visit our RUSSIAN ISLAND Store and Taste of Europe restaurant. We are located at 1901 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington, TX. We have the biggest variety of Russian gifts and collectibles in all price ranges, which we cannot squeeze into the limited size of our site. Also you are welcome to see the menu and events at our Taste of Europe restaurant web site (
soviet USSR WWII pin-City Hero -Stallingrad- 58 days in Battle
soviet USSR WWII pin-Monument-Glory to Soviet tank personel
soviet USSR WWII pin-Monument-The crew of the plane of Gastello
soviet USSR WWII pin-Monument
soviet USSR WWII pin-Linkor Marat
soviet USSR WWII pin-Pilots heros of Sevestopol
soviet USSR WWII pin-E-16
soviet USSR WWII pin-Monument
Soviet USSR WWII pin-Hero Zoya Kosmdemyanskaya