Russian Art Album- Crimean Landscape Paintings #35 $39.95 This album has paintings of Crimea region. Crimea is one the most picturesque resort areas of Southern Russia. The paintings were made by the best Russian artists of the XIXth Century and early XXth Century. You can find here Paintings of very famous Russian artists such as Ajvazovsky, Korovin, Bogaevsky, Voloshin, Kuprin, Gluschenko, and many others. The names of the paintings and Russian artists are given in Russian This album has paintings of Crimea region. Crimea is one the most picturesque resort areas of Southern Russia. The paintings were made by the best Russian artists of the XIXth Century and early XXth Century. You can find here Paintings of very famous Russian artists such as Ajvazovsky, Korovin, Bogaevsky, Voloshin, Kuprin, Gluschenko and many others. The names of the paintings and Russian artists are given in Russian Language but the general information is given in English, French and German. The Russian art album was published in 1990, publisher Mastatstvo in Kiev. Hard cover, size is 9x9â€, 215 pages. It is quite rare book because only 30000 copies were published. Please visit other pages of our website for more variety of Russian and Soviet gifts, collectibles, antiques, jewelry and much more                                                 |