Note: We are selling books from our private collection; most of the books we have is single copy.
In our collection we have rare and very interesting books. In this subcategory we have political, historical books from Ancient Russia to collapse of USSR and further to Gorbachev time. We have a lot of books about different wars including WW2. We hope that history lovers will enjoy reading these books. It is great idea for unique gifts.
 Russian Book -Resistance to Bolshevism 1917-1918-Сопротивление Большевизму 1917-1918 #26
 Второй Фронт Антигитлеровская Коалиция Конфликт Интересов #2
 Russian Book - Napoleon's Wars-Military History Library
 Russian Book -The Beginning of Formation of the Voluntary Army -Зарождение Добровольческой Армии #24
 Russian Book -The Tragedy of Russian Officers -Трагедия Русского Офицерства #30
 Асы Люфтваффе, Реактивные Истребители #4
 Russian Book -Regenerated Regiments of the Russian Army in the White Army Battle in the South of Russia #29
 Book Special operations. Lubyanka and the Kremlin 1930–1950 (Спецоперации Лубянка и Кремль 1930-1950) #43.
 Book Германский Флот в Мировую Войну (German Fleet in the World War)1914-1918 #5