Note: We are selling books from our private collection; most of the books we have is single copy.
We have books for different ages, from kindergarten to high school students. Most of the books are in Russian language and some of them are translated into English. Most of these books have very nice illustrations made by Russian artists. They can be helpful for learning Russian language. It is great idea for gifts.
USSR Vintage 1973 Book ''What Happened'' Russian Language #14
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Orange Collection of the Fairy Tales #32
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Best World Fairy Tales -Pearl Collection #31
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Best World Fairy Tales -Jade Collection #33
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Best World Fairy Tales -Bronze Collection #35
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Best World Fairy Tales -Emerald Collection #34
RUSSIAN CHILDREN BOOK The Best World Fairy Tales -Amber Collection #30